
Which bucket should the data in?

The general ideas of classification in machine learning

· Data mining

Classification is the attempt to place data into the right bucket. In machine learning, we have two analysis way.

Firstly, unsupervised learning, in which the data don’t have a “named”tag or criteria, and the groups are determined by similarity among the variables. In this type of analysis, we are looking for what should the buckets be.

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As an opposite way is supervised learning, also call labeled learning. It just like you know what the slots you want to put coins into. The data has a true class or outcome variable and the models that go into the classification system are determined by accuracy. If you don’t have the most useful variables, you may have a hard time getting an accurate and useful classification model.

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There are a lot of domains where these approaches are handy, for example, determining whether an email is a legitimate email or a junk one, or fraud detection in credit card transaction. Given that I’m a radiologist, there is radiologist diagnosis, or the attempt to classify patients into the right diagnostic category based on a range of image data and clinical symptoms. It is important in many situations to get good quantitative data as a way of empirically assessing the diagnoses.